Enterprise Education

Our key features

Create your own experiences online, in autonomy or with others.

Online creation

No installation is required. All you need is a desktop and an Internet connection. Our “no code” approach means you can start out with no development skills, and explore VR on your own.


Collaborate seamlessly at all stages of creation: Gather media, create simultaneously in the editor between teams or groups of students, and collect feedback to speed up the correction process.

Multi-device deployment

Access your content instantly on VR headsets, computers, smartphones and tablets, and on your LMS, so your students maintain the same learning environment.

Infinite use cases

From escape games to interactive educational tours, there are a multitude of possibilities for developing soft and hard skills through immersive situations.

Our top features

Use the latest cutting-edge technologies (VR / AR / AI) for learning.
Create, organize, share and track your immersive content in one place.

Online studio

Online studio

Our web solution simplifies your virtual reality experience.
Without coding skills, students and teachers can transform 360° captures into interactive, engaging learning tools tailored to their specific needs.

Resources & Knowledge Base

Resources & Knowledge Base

Uptale provides a whole library of resources, guides and tutorials all in one place. Access to these numerous educational resources allows you to master the creation of experiences on the platform quickly and autonomously.

Interaction & Conditional scenarios

Interaction & Conditional scenarios

The range of possible interactions and branchings lets you create gamified learning paths that evolve according to the learner's decisions. By exploring different ways of learning, this encourages engagement and knowledge retention.

LMS integration

LMS integration

Easily manage and synchronize your Uptale content with your existing learning content management system. Compatible with Moodle and other LMSs, integration simplifies skills tracking and assessment, while ensuring centralized management of learning resources.



Extend the reach of your content by deploying it effortlessly on different devices simultaneously: smartphone, tablet, computer, VR headset. Give your learners total flexibility to access content anytime, anywhere, for maximum impact.

Group Session

Group Session

Organize collaborative sessions in virtual reality.
Several students can learn simultaneously in real time in the same session, and benefit from a collective, enriching and dynamic learning experience.

Progress and results tracking

Progress and results tracking

Monitor in detail students' progress in VR modules and their performance in exercises. This tool provides invaluable insights for adapting learning to individual needs and continuously improving pedagogical content.

Detailed reports view

Detailed reports view

Uptale offers a complete visualization of student performance through various indicators (time spent, success rate, scores, attention zones, quiz answers, voice reports...). These detailed reports enable in-depth analysis of learners' progress and struggles.

Export of reports & results

Export of reports & results

Easily download student progress and performance data and reports in Excel format.
This makes it easy to analyze, share and use with other tools to make better-informed decisions.

User and role management

Invite the users of your choice, assign roles and control access & authorizations with ease.

Data export

Easily export all data and reports in Excel format for in-depth analysis or integration with other systems

Reports by learner and session

Detailed reports by learning session and by learner provide insight into their learning paths

Aggregated statistics reports

Synthetic analysis reports help you understand the overall use and distribution of your experiences

Certificate of success

Automatically deliver certificates of achievement or success by e-mail to learners and trainers as soon as experience success criteria are met

Advanced Pedagogical Analysis

Evaluate learning performance with rich data: learner path, quiz answers, heatmaps, voice analysis and reports...

Standards Pedagogical Data

Uptale processes classic learning data to assess learner performance: time spent, success rate, score...

Monitoring learner performance

Collect all the data you need to assess learner performance: time spent, success rate, score, heatmaps...

Device management

Register your headsets and link them to your workspaces to manage access and optimize the rollout of face-to-face VR training.

Versatile navigation and interaction in VR

Use your hands, joysticks or even your eyes in the headset to interact intuitively in virtual reality

Optimized web distribution

Customize the delivery mode of your online experiences according to your specific needs and configurations (CDN, Preload, Streaming).

Offline reading

Download your Uptale experiences and train your employees anytime, anywhere, without an Internet connection (offline).

Multi-support deployment

Share your vr experiences on any device: smartphone, tablet, computer, VR headsets

Worldwide access to training

Uptale modules are accessible without no physical limits, enabling your learners to train wherever they are in the world.

Automatic device updates

Once the vr module has been published and saved, it will be immediately available on any device.

Experience Publishing

Easily manage access to your Uptale experiences with a range of sharing options: public access, e-mail invitation, public registration link, etc.

Customize your vr experience appaearance

Customize the design and look of your experiences according to your graphic guidelines: logo, colors, fonts...

Conditional scenarios

Create personalized experiences with scenarios tailored to each learner, based on their unique interactions, choices and behaviors

Catalog of models and examples

Inspire each other, copy and modify pre-designed templates created by our educational experts for a variety of use cases.

Seemless integration of 360° media

Easily transfer your 360° captures to Uptale, which supports stitching, encoding and preparation in the cloud

Uptale Capture

Monitor your 360° camera and easily transfer your media directly to Uptale via the mobile app, without having to use your PC.

Optimized media processing

Easily edit your media on Uptale with tools for croping, quality adjustment, and ensuring smooth playback on any device

3D object handling

Create even more realistic, captivating and interactive experiences with animated, manageable 3D objects!

Pre-configured learning activities

Standardize the creation of exercises and instructions with our premade activities: pre-configured interaction elements that are easy to customize

50+ interactions

Gamify your immersive experiences with various interaction tags: image, text-to-speech, audio, video, quizzes, microphone, 3D objects, risk hunting...

Translation review

Exporting and importing translations with dedicated third-party tools (xliff, json, csv) enables translation review and quality guarantees.

Automatic translation

Automatically translate all your experience texts and audio narrations in 50+ languages in just one click

Voice recognition and analysis

Interact with the content of the experience naturally with your voice for a greater immersion

Voice synthesis

Convert your text into voice in just a few clicks, in over 50 languages for easy international deployment

Uptale Spatial Studio

Visualize and adjust the layout of elements in your Uptale experiences using virtual reality headsets

Uptale Web Studio

Create immersive experiences by yourself, thanks to an intuitive authoring tool and an online design studio.

Uptale Knowledge Center

Get easy access to answers and solutions to common issues via our comprehensive, constantly updated knowledge center.

Uptale Academy

Train yourself on Uptale through 50+ video tutorials hosted by our Head of Academy

Reactive support

Our support team is available to answer all your technical questions and solve your issues quickly.

Dedicated support & services

A dedicated pedagogical and VR expert will help you with your project and support you in your success.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Login safely and easily to Uptale with your company or school login details

Security parameter management

Configure default security settings (password policies, offline reading time, authentication token duration, etc.)

Flexible hosting

Host your content on the infrastructure of your choice, or opt for complete hosting by Uptale (based on Microsoft Azure)

SCORM export

Export your experiences in SCORM format for compatibility with most LMS

LMS and LXP integration

Flexible, seamless integration with your existing LMS for effortless data collection, via xAPI, LTI or customization