Enterprise Education
fire training-01
operational procedure training-01
sales relationship training-01
visit and onboarding-02-01
hr leadership 3-01

Health & Safety


Train your teams on safety standards:
– Safety inductions
– Safety rules
– Emergency situations
– Lockout/tagout
– Physical preparation
– … and much more!

VR editor Uptale 3 Player App Learner Data Uptale


Rich interactive Virtual Reality experiences from simple 360° captures and no code on Uptale


Trainings can be deployed at scale online or offline on all devices: VR headset, desktop, tablet or smartphone.


Your team’s progress or specific learner insights in detail with Uptale dashboards and connect it to your Learning Management System.

Get started with Immersive Learning

Uptale is a Digital Learning solution that offers a complete platform and enterprise services to deploy immersive learning at scale.

Discover our pricing

Platform & licences

Full access to the platform to create, distribute and measure immersive experiences deployed worldwide, in complete security

Experiences & Templates

Turnkey immersive modules, or co-created on-site with our experts, designed and delivered in just a few days.

Consulting & Services

Courses to achieve autonomy, consulting to achieve your objectives and meet all your creation, deployment and analysis needs.

Hardware kits

All the equipment you need to digitize your expertise and facilities in 360° to make your immersive experiences available to all your learners.

Training at Digital Speed

Train safely, reduce training time and costs, increase training impact and learner retention.
Our customers are convinced of the effectiveness of Immersive Learning thanks to proven, concrete results.

on operator training time
hours for on-site induction
on safety training costs
employee engagement

Our major partners

We’ve partnered with the best players in the XR & Learning industry to enhance your existing training offer and revitalize the current platform.